Wednesday, November 23, 2005

November meeting

Final meeting for the year with all systems go for showcasing NAV (Navigating Assessment Validation CD Rom) at our first BIG DAY OUT in December.

What a year it has been! All the processess and forms are now in place and as we head to 2006 we are now able to start work on our Bnak of Assessments.

We received the Quality Awards today and we will present them all to participants on the day! We have sent out over 150 CD's to all those who wanted it, right across the state!

Congratulations to all who have participated in NAVAL and we look forward to next year!

Thursday, October 20, 2005

October meeting

Finally NAV is completed!!!!

Materials that have been produced to assist teachers in participating is assessment validation. The intent was to provide easy to understand and user friendly materials that can be customised to meet the needs of your environment.

What is NAV? NAV (Navigating Assessment Validation) is a CD Rom that provides teachers and assessors with tools to support assessment and the assessment validation process

Who can use NAV? NAV can be used by all assessors and can be easily customised to meet local needs of assessors and teaching sections.

How can NAV be used? NAV provides tools and resources that can help support assessment decisions and provides easily customisable documents to help with the reporting of assessment validation.

What are the copyright conditions? These materials have been developed by NAVAL (Network of Assessment Validation Assessors leaders TAFE NSW SWSI). It would be appreciated if we are mentioned in any materials you may develop incorporating the concepts or ideas mentioned in this resource.

We had a great time exploring but of course there were changes to be made. Great to have a group of people to review the information and give us feedback.

The final discussion was about the Quality Awards we feel we are ready to showcase our product. I am to showcase at a presentation at the Quality Awards.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

September Meeting

We started the meeting with and overview of where each section was heading for the end of the year assessment validation workshops. Discussion centered on flow charts and the following documents:
*Assessment Validation Action Plan
*Assessment validation Checklist
*Assessment validation checklist
The group discussed and agreed on modifications which would be reviewed at the October meeting.
A group of forms were handed that would assist with developing assessment tools which would be discussed at the next meeting: eg. Feedback forms, question forms, portfolio, etc.
Finished off with discussion of the TAFe NSW Quality awards and this would be an agenda item for the next meeting.

Monday, September 19, 2005

ICVET Conference

At the conference I copresented a workshop with Rob Young (Construction) discussing Assessment Validation from the respective Faculties within the Institute. The workshop was about the journey that took place, detailing the challenges and successes of the two processes.
Click Here

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

August Meeting

The meeting opened with introductions and discussion of assessment validation progress in sections. At this meeting the group had reviewed the ANTA Toolbox Certificate IV Training and Assessment. This provided discussion on what we include in our resources for the BIG DAY OUT! As we were located in the computer training room we reviewed a CD of materials. This included:
* marketing tool for NAVAL advertising what the group is trying to achieve.
* assessment tools
* assessment validation information
* power point presentation
All in all a big computer day!
The next discussion centered on the assessment process and agreement was reached but further discussion is needed. Next meeting we hope to finalise this!

NAVAL will showcase their ideas and challenges at the next Quality Award ceremony. Next year 2006 the group hopes apply for a Quality award as by that time we would have evaluated and then made the necessary changes. This will be an ongoing discussion to work on the presentation and display for the Quality Awards ceremony 2005.

Training commenced today with watching the video " The Assessor" The first two sections of the video looked at the situation: that is unpacking training packages and then ways to gather evidence to demonstrate competency. Everybody reported the training interesting and looked forward to the next session.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

July Meeting

This meeting was held at Liverpool and began with an overview of actions taking place in each of the sections. This included an update, the discussions that had taken place and the future directions. Each leader was being proactive in their sections. Discussion took place and when issues were identified this was discussed openly and strategies offered. Feedback was also sort about the assessment cover sheet template using version control being trialled in Semester 2. At this stage it seemed appropriate and suggestions made for improvements which will be incorporated into the agreed process.

NAVAL Action Plan
The Action plan was distributed and had been agreed to by Head Teachers at the last faculty meeting 21st June.. The following was identified as the 3 priorities:
1. Consistent assessment validation process
2. Faculty Assessment Bank
3. Training of staff in validation process
The plan was accepted by NAVAL for implementation.

Big Day Out
The faculty will be holding a professional development day 6th December 2006 for a faculty staff. One of the aims of the day is an opportunity to roll out the resources, tools and training for Assessment validation in the Faculty. This will be in the form of a CD and hard package for each person of the faculty to have.

Future Directions
Each NAVAL meeting will have three parts that address each of the points of the Action Plan:
1. Process: flow chart was provided and discussed and will be reviewed at the next meeting.
2. Tools: proformas distributed and will also be discussed next meeting.
3. Training: half an hour at each meeting will be an opportunity to upskill. "The Assessor" video and package will be used to promote discussion and keep currency. More formal training will be decided and provided at a later time.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Our June Meeting 2005

Our next meeting was held at Granville College and it was well attended.

Action Plan
The first action was to discuss feedback from sections in relation to the Faculty Action Plan. The following items were identified:
1. Shared drives and version control
2. Bank of assessments/ exemplars
3. Consistent approach across Faculty
4. Development of intergrated assessments
Discussion took place as to how these actions could be included in an Action Plan. It was agreed that all sections and the Faculty would have Assessment validation as a standing item for all agendas as suggested by SWSI Organisational Development Unit.

Identifying Stakeholders Needs
Small group work took place on identifying the needs of stakeholders within the process. The following was identified:
Learners: consistent Guidelines and Feedback
Teachers: Implementation guidelines and staff development day to discuss the Faculty process of Assessment validation
Sections: Record keeping and managing resources in the section: tools, exemplars, evidence, etc.
Faculty:policy, procedure and reporting responsibilities including the use and promotion of EKB.
The items were discussed and prioritised and will be incorporated into the Action Plan for the Faculty.

Final discussion centered on reviewing existing documents this included flowchart, pre and post assessment validation checklists. Assessment cover sheet was brainstormed by the group. It was agreed that all assessment tools would include SWSI logo, faculty Community Services with version control as per SWSI template from EKB. Representatives would bring alond any templates currently being used. It was agreed the beginning of each meeting each section would talk about the progress of assessment validation in their sections.