Thursday, July 28, 2005

July Meeting

This meeting was held at Liverpool and began with an overview of actions taking place in each of the sections. This included an update, the discussions that had taken place and the future directions. Each leader was being proactive in their sections. Discussion took place and when issues were identified this was discussed openly and strategies offered. Feedback was also sort about the assessment cover sheet template using version control being trialled in Semester 2. At this stage it seemed appropriate and suggestions made for improvements which will be incorporated into the agreed process.

NAVAL Action Plan
The Action plan was distributed and had been agreed to by Head Teachers at the last faculty meeting 21st June.. The following was identified as the 3 priorities:
1. Consistent assessment validation process
2. Faculty Assessment Bank
3. Training of staff in validation process
The plan was accepted by NAVAL for implementation.

Big Day Out
The faculty will be holding a professional development day 6th December 2006 for a faculty staff. One of the aims of the day is an opportunity to roll out the resources, tools and training for Assessment validation in the Faculty. This will be in the form of a CD and hard package for each person of the faculty to have.

Future Directions
Each NAVAL meeting will have three parts that address each of the points of the Action Plan:
1. Process: flow chart was provided and discussed and will be reviewed at the next meeting.
2. Tools: proformas distributed and will also be discussed next meeting.
3. Training: half an hour at each meeting will be an opportunity to upskill. "The Assessor" video and package will be used to promote discussion and keep currency. More formal training will be decided and provided at a later time.